What is I-Comm ?
is a full feature graphical World Wide Web browser with
full modem communication functionality. Designed specially for
modem computer users, I-Comm only requires a PC with Windows, a modem
and an Internet Shell account. It does NOT require any kind of
SLIP/PPP connections.
Click here for a short version of FAQ.
Click on
this update link for the updated information of I-Comm.
How to obtain a copy of updated I-Comm ?
You can download it from either one of the following ftp sites:
- Netcom ftp site:
- Best Internet ftp site:
In addition to the I-Comm program, you also need:
Z-Modem transfer program "sz" installed in your shell account search path
One of following program installed in your shell account search path:
Key Features:
Easy to setup. Easy to use. Get on to Internet in
5 minutes!
Graphical WWW browser and modem communication program
Does NOT require any kind of SLIP/PPP connections
Supports HTTP, FTP and Gopher protocols
Complete form support.
Can save HTML pages to disk with inline images
Allows user to edit HTML file source
Supports unlimited number of hot list files
Supports batch HTTP, FTP, Gopher file downloading
Allows user to view HTML pages while background
downloading images
Multi-level smart local disk document and image caching
Fast Z-modem file upload/download.
Built-in full feature modem communication program
Phone book facility allows user to save Internet dial-up numbers
Minimum System Requirements:
386DX running MS-Windows (tm) 3.1 or above
4MB Memory and 1MB Disk Space
9.6 KB Modem or faster
An UNIX shell account with Internet access
I-Comm is a shareware, NOT a freeware. Users can evaluate it for 1-2 months.
After the evaluation period, registration is required:
US $39.95 for commercial users
US $29.95 for non-commercial users
To register, please fill out the
registration form and send check or money order to:
Talent Communications, Inc.
P.O.Box 611476
San Jose, CA 95161-1476
How to reach us:
Web: http://www.talentcom.com/
E-Mail: icomm@talentcom.com
News: comp.infosystems.www.browsers.ms-windows
Address: P.O.Box 611476, San Jose, CA 95161-1476, U.S.A.
Last Modified: May 20, 1995.
Copyright 1995 By Talent Communications, Inc.